Finlay Brothers history site

Barb Gallery
Preserving the bicycle and
motorcycle heritage of
Finlay Brothers, Elizabeth St
Melbourne, 1900-1961.
Sprung Frame Barb - front and rear suspension
Sprung Frame Barb - front and rear suspension

This Barb bicycle is part of Paul and Charlie Farren’s vintage bicycle collection in Melbourne.

Paul writes:

"This bike is made up of two bits.

The frame was retrieved from a tree in a farm paddock next to a camping spot.  It was nailed to the tree and the nail holes can still be seen.

The front forks came from the garage of Jack Findlay and were experimental. The rear suspension is fractured and will be replaced and the front fork needs a lug attached to the headset.

This bike has Chater Lea chainset and a Farren saddle."

With thanks to Paul Farren for preparing the description of this bicycle and letting us display these photographs.

Barb Gallery